Door Roel Wieringa De meest ingewikkelde titel van het hele congres – aldus Roel. Geen enkele organisatie werkt meer alleen. Waarde wordt gecreëerd in netwerken. Maar hoe werken organisaties samen? Hoe kun je dat modelleren en analyseren? E3Value chains! Twee
LAC 2017 – Adapting your architecting style to the digital age
door Eltjo Poort en Matthijs van Riel Wat “architecten” we eigenlijk? Vele dingen worden uitgedacht, maar onderliggende principes zijn gelijk. Traditionele, projectgebaseerde governance gebruikt woorden als conveive, elaborate, construct, en transform zijn vervangen door agile termen: “funnel, backlog, analysis en
LAC 2017 – Digitale transformatie begin bij je bedrijfscultuur
Door Saskia van Uffelen CEO Ericsson Belux Veel mensen denken bij digitaal meteen aan technologie. Maar eigenlijk gaat het hierbij over hoe we leven, en hoe dat verandert: het gaat om de evolutie van de maatschappij. Steeds meer dingen worden
IPA Fall days 2017 – Model-based testing of Probabilistic Systems with Stochastic Time
by Marcus Gerholdt Everybody likes testing, and everybody likes statistics… So let’s combine the two… In many large systems probability plays an important role, think of randomization in games, encryption, network traffic, etc. Probabilistic model checking tools exist, but are
IPA Fall days 2017 – Model-based Testing: from Theory to Practice
by Jan Tretmans Many hardware systems – even some Dutch dykes! – are actually “just” software. That dyke one has about 40k elements, whereas the software consists of 100M LOC. As such systems need to interact a lot, it becomes
IPA Fall days 2017 – Testing the hard stuff and staying sane
By John Hughes Testing is typically something most people do not really like to do. Testing has this reputation of not being very fun. Why is testing hard? For n single features, there are O(n) test cases. However, you need
IPA Fall days 2017 – Type-based static analysis
By Jurriaan Hage As the halting problem in general is undecidable, it is possible that some programs can have a correct execution, but are not type-correct. That is why we need to study accuracy. To be on the safe side:
IPA Fall days 2017 – Analyzing Source Code using Rascal
By Jurgen Vinju The assumption is that for software to “be good”, you need to understand the code. However, most software engineers do not have time to read it. So, how can you understand it? Automatic analyis could help to
IPA Fall days 2017 – Not only maintainability: revisiting test smells as a measure of test code effectiveness
By Fabio Palomba Test cases form the first line of defense against the introduction of faults. But also, the entire team rely on regression tests to merge pull requests, or even to deploy a version. But test code can have
IPA Fall days 2017 – Telling stories about software developers
By Alexander Serebrenik Developers are people (citation needed) is how Robert Jongeling started his report. In a way, this is a pity: we always talk about the product, rather than about who create software. Based on some heuristics, they developed