By Jurgen Vinju The assumption is that for software to “be good”, you need to understand the code. However, most software engineers do not have time to read it. So, how can you understand it? Automatic analyis could help to
IPA Fall days 2017 – Not only maintainability: revisiting test smells as a measure of test code effectiveness
By Fabio Palomba Test cases form the first line of defense against the introduction of faults. But also, the entire team rely on regression tests to merge pull requests, or even to deploy a version. But test code can have
IPA Fall days 2017 – Telling stories about software developers
By Alexander Serebrenik Developers are people (citation needed) is how Robert Jongeling started his report. In a way, this is a pity: we always talk about the product, rather than about who create software. Based on some heuristics, they developed
IPA Fall days 2017 – Building Maintainable Software
By Joost Visser Writing code is easy, maintaining is not. And, what if we could make it easy to write maintaible code? “Current development speed is a function of past development quality” (@brianm). In a way: the quality of what
IPA Fall Days 2017 – Network traffic analysis using deep packet inspection and data visualization
By Bram Cappers Many computer viruses try to infiltrate, then expand and lastly sabotage the attacked system, e.g. by spying or disrupting the attacked system. Can we find such viruses by looking into the packets sent over the network? the
IPA Fall days 2017 – Uncovering Financial Centers (network techniques behind the paradise papers)
By Frank Takes. At the IPA-days. Frank works on the topic of pattern matching in graph theory. In the hype of data science: gaining insight from very large data sets from a network perspective: Network science. If you want to
Software Architecture Compliance Checking (ACC) focuses on analyzing whether the actual implemented source code adheres to the intended architecture. HUSACCT, developed and maintained by Leo Pruijt (HU), is a static ACC tool that adds extensive support for semantically rich modular
ECSA 2017: Software Architecture Risk Containers
Presented by Andrew Leigh The authors are interested in using desing containers to isolate implementation error-proneness. Decisions are very influencial in architecture, but there is always risk attached to it, and there might be some residual risk, which might be
ECSA 2017: A Model for the Prioritization of Software Architecture Effort
presented by Eoin Woods The paper is triggered by a very interesting question: “How do software architects prioritise their time and attention?”. So, what does an architect work on? In literature gives little answer. Philippe Kruchten (2008) gave an estimate:
ECSA 2017: Architectural Assumptions and their Management in Industry – An Exploratory Study
presented by Chen Yang It is very simple to make assumptions in our daily life. We often do it unintendedly. But what is an assumption actually? Some state it to be an implicit design decision and its reasons. Others call